Monday, June 7, 2010



I may never have had a moment of television shock me quite as much as the final minutes of Breaking Bad this week. With a single gunshot, a whole new line has been drawn. Despite his objections that they are “not murderers” Walt does in fact kill two people. He had flirted with this line on a couple of occasions. We are reminded he suggested poisoning Tuco before he could kill them. He also passively let Jane die in front of him when he could have saved her.

This is different. You have a lawyer friend, don’t you Holly? What is the difference between letting someone die and running them over with a compact SUV and then blowing their brains out with their own gun? I would think intent would have something to do with it. BTW…this is the second time this season a drug dealer has met his maker via an automobile/own gun combination. Interesting.

What was Walt’s intention? To save Jesse’s life? To prevent Jesse from making this mistake himself? Was he shamed into recalibrating where he draws the line in the drug trade when it comes to children? To steal Mike’s terminology, this was certainly no half-measure.

This entire episode is a prime example of building dramatic tension. The opening montage of the prostitute’s life was intriguing. Then Jesse and Walt whispering plans on how to deal with the street corner thugs. Mike pulling Jesse away from his plan and into the trailer of doom was also excellent. You could see Jesse’s mind racing when he saw that table full of characters. It was kind of nice to see Gus get a little miffed and ruffled. Then I was impressed with Jesse standing up to Gus when no one else would. That seemed to give him a measure of respect he certainly did not have before.

Then just when I think the most interesting thing in this episode is going to be Marie giving Hank an unexpected handjob, little Tomas turns up murdered. My first thought is that someone is going to try to pin this on Jesse. The episode could have ended right there, but Jesse heads out for a good old fashioned street shootout with the (bad?) guys ala' OK Corral. All Jesse needed was a good duster, hat and boots. He was definitely their huckleberry.

Is Jesse blaming himself for getting Tomas killed? Is he just out for blood for what he deems is a violation of the peace? Either way, I was truly surprised at how the climatic gunfight played out. With guns drawn, I expected everyone to get hit. I absolutely did not see Walt coming with his car. I guess Walt, Jr. will have to find another vehicle to get his provisional license on Saturday.

That was shocking enough and justifiable in protecting Jesse, but I was slapping the couch when he picked up the dealer’s own gun and shot him in the head. When Walt tells Jesse to “RUN” it gave me goose bumps. The biggest question I have now is…How in the world will they top this for next week’s season finale? I can’t wait to find out.

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