1. The Good Wife – I have not followed this, but I saw a portion of it last week. I have to admit, I was immediately caught up in the drama. I just don’t know if it can truly be called the best.
2. Breaking Bad – This should come as no surprise. We have been saying the same thing for a while. As we anticipate the premiere of the third season, get ready to get your blogface on.
3. LOST – I mentioned this show in my defense of network TV last month. I stand by that opinion as I am completely engrossed with the final season as it is airing now.
4. Friday Night Lights – I have read about how good this show is for years. I love football, but I have just not gotten into it.
5. Fringe – Another show on my list of redeeming features of the networks.
6. Modern Family – I have watched this a couple of times and it is very funny. It just has not made my appointment TV list.
7. Glee – Here is one for you, Holly. You have gushed over this show that I have yet to watch.
8. Southland – I have not watched this, either. It was originally on NBC, but they cancelled it and the cable channel TNT picked it up. It must be pretty good, then.
9. Damages – I have not followed this Glenn Close FX series, but I read it is good.
10. Caprica – Here is our love/hate darling in the top ten.
I am partial to a few other shows that did not make the cut. There are some I like that I am under no illusions are great shows (Sorry, Burn Notice). Yet, there are some that I believe rise above some of this list.
Glaringly absent is the Emmy and Golden Globe winning Mad Men. Is it because it is not on the air right now? I would also include FX’s series Rescue Me, TNT's Men of a Certain Age and HBO's True Blood. These are active series, but not currently airing new episodes. Is that the criteria?
Holly, what do you think? Would you boot some of these and replace them with others? Did you notice a mere 4 out of 10 are cable shows. My list would be more like 6 out of 10.
Here is how my list would look.
1. Mad Men - AMC
2. Breaking Bad - AMC
4. Fringe - FOX
5. True Blood - HBO
6. Rescue Me - FX
7. Men of a Certain Age - TNT
8. Glee - FOX
9. Better Off Ted - ABC
10. Caprica - SYFY
Chip, I hate to expose myself for the poser I am, but I don't watch ten currently airing shows regularly that I like enough to give them Top 10 status. Of the ones I do watch regularly, I'll give a shout-out to Mad Men, Glee, and Breaking Bad. All of these shows excel in doing-what-they-do. Great writing, great directing, great acting. Okay, except for Betty Draper. And I can't help but think we wouldn't hate Betty so much if January Jones weren't such a great actor. Maybe? Is it possible?
ReplyDeleteCan't decide whether my strange obsession with hating on Caprica earns it a spot. I go back and forth whether this show is brilliant sci fi or just more geeky SyFy.
I haven't mentioned this one yet on this blog, but one of my favorite shows is Chelsea Lately. All the people of the world seem to fall into one of three categories -- those who love Chelsea Handler, those who hate her, an those who say, "Who?" Count me as a big fan.
And no, even I will D-List Kim, Kortney and Khloe Kardashian and their terrifying marketing guru/manager of a mom, Kris Jenner. Sorry girls, I love you but you're not overachievers.
Peace, Holly