Like you said Holly, I have not seen Season One of Breaking Bad. I picked up this series at the beginning of Season Two. I understood enough about the premise that I did not feel like I was lost.
I am not sure how this show is classified, but it has some of the darkest humor I have ever seen. The kind of stuff where I would laugh and then go, “Shit…I should not be laughing at that!” One example would be when a dude gets his head crushed by an ATM machine. Sounds funny, huh? I could not stop giggling.
At the same time, this show has some of the most realistic depictions of drug addiction I have ever seen. It is not the over the top, needle in the arm in a crack house stuff that gets me. What struck me was the desperation of a character that has taken advantage of all of his friends and family to the point that no one wants to help him anymore. I imagine this hits close to home for a lot of people.
Something disturbing in the development of Walt is once he learns he is doing better with the cancer, he does not want to give up this “other” life he has developed. In the beginning, he justified his actions by telling himself he was doing it for his family for when he died. Now because of his actions, he may very well lose them.
I have also never watched a show where the protagonist crossed a moral line as badly as Walt did with Jesse’s girlfriend near the end of the season. I literally jumped up from my chair and shouted “No!” At the same time, this daring move is the kind of thing that has me “addicted” to this show.
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