Monday, February 1, 2010

Mad Men - Chip and Holly's Somewhat Serious Predictions for Season 4

Chip’s Prognostications, written 11/10/09


As far as season 4 goes...

Some interesting dynamics have been set up. Pete and Peggy are going to share a desk! What is going to happen when Trudy brings brownies by one day and somehow finds out Pete can make a baby...just not with her. Roger and Joan working shoulder to shoulder does not bode well for Baby Jane or Dr. Dipshit. How is Burt going to operate in such close quarters with everyone

and their shoes? How soon will Don put that one bed to use with a client?

Sally will get in trouble for scrawling "I love Ringo" on her bedroom wall and for taking the car to see the Beatles land at JFK airport. Hey...grandpa taught her how to drive. Bobby will try to cut his hair to look like Paul. What those kids are watching now is Ed Sullivan.

We will hear about Vietnam through Dr. Dipshit via Joan. He may exit for an entire season giving her and Roger an opportunity to reignite their affair.

Then season 5 brings home the Doc a literally broken man for Joan to take care of.

If Peggy is feminism in the workplace (*and bedroom and smoky pot-filled offices*), I wonder if Betty is going to develop into feminism in the political arena. Having her hitch her wagon to the Governor's aide certainly opens that door.

Betty will find out what a dick Henry is and want her old Dick back, though. It will be too late, though, because Don is going to meet his match in a promiscuous woman he can't control. He will be too tied up in closing that deal to notice Betty coming back around. It won't stop him from popping Henry a good one in the nose for something. I don't know what, but Henry's

nose is just asking to be popped.

Lee Garner, Jr. is going to get caught puffing something besides a Lucky Strike and Sal will be vindicated and brought back in the fold. Isn't it interesting that we all miss Sal and want him back, but in reality people were content to let "those people" hang out in their leather pants down at the park?

I just hope we will see more of Don and Roger sitting at a bar and having drinks like before. I have missed that.

Holly’s Predictions for Season 4, written 1/26/10


Midwinter musings on missing my favorite show.

A mere seven months till our beloved Mad Men addiction returns!

Suffering the harsh reality of what we all know - that Don Draper is a fickle lover - I have attempted to fill my time with the secondary treats of Breaking Bad, Burn Notice, and Life on Mars. But who are we kidding, nobody does it better than the boys at Sterling Cooper Draper Price! I even miss that smarmy bastard Pete. A little. God help me. All the boys get prettier at closing time at the Pierre....

So I was thinking we could self-medicate, er, fill the void in our hearts (and souls) with a little talk of what might happen next season. A little Mad Men cybersex, if you will. Just remember kids, no pictures. I'll start -

Trudy is pregnant! To quote my friend Gigi, aka Joan of the South, "praise God from whom all blessings flow"! Can you see the personal/financial/mojo crisis this will unleash in peat moss Pete?! I can only imagine....the wistful looks at Peggy, knowing it never will be. Peggy's wistful looks back, knowing she is not the "marrying kind" to a guy like Pete. The fights with Trudy's dad over paying for the nursery, and if the gods are smiling on us, a German nanny!

Sal auditions as a hand model (am I the only one who has ever noticed how much they show closeups of Bryan Batt's gorgeous, well manicured yet overly jeweled hands?) for a Lucky Strike ad campaign that SCDP is doing, entering the Pierre a dejected gay man whose only marketable skills are modeling his big, gay hands and exiting a dejected but rehired gay man whose only skills are "knob polishing" Lee Garner, Jr. with his big, gay hands. Sal's back in the house, bitches!

Roger's daughter Margaret, who never wanted to marry that oily beauhunk in the first place (what is his name anyway, Brooks? Davis?), hooks up with Don on the roof of the Pierre after stopping by the new SCDP "offices" to hit Daddy up for some pocket change. Don, meantime, is flashing back to his childhood, interspersed with images of the one who got away, Rachel Menken, and that magical night with the guard dogs on top of her daddy's department store. Margaret is young, firm, and hot, as the preppy sort goes, but a goy is no match for the burning memory of his Jewess temptress. Is it too much that we ask for a return to Zion?

Roger and Joan have some witty repartee. Oh God, please. That's really all we care about.

Duck finds out about SCDP and tries to join up, pitching himself to Don as a worthy opponent who is better fer you than agin' you. To quote Chip, nee Paul Kinsey, "Dear Lord, hear our prayers....."

Betty realizes she has traded hot, in-his-prime zombie for geriatric, plastic/politico zombie. She should have gone for a roll in the hay with the boy from New Haven who didn't know how to ride a horse back in Season 2....

Sally puts an Old Fashioned in Baby Gene's bottle on Karla's day off. Fortunately, no ill effects follow, as fetal alcohol syndrome had already dashed the kid's chances of being a high feeder in the evolutionary food chain. At least he has his looks....

That's all I have for now.

A basket of kisses,


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