I have to hand it to you, Holly. Your post about Caprica was more entertaining than the show itself. If Battlestar Galatica was this boring, I am glad I missed it after all. I kept dozing off, so I had to change the channel over to NBC every so often to watch a little ice dancing for excitement.
The bedroom scene in the beginning of the episode turned me off. The idea of four people in bed was supposed to be titillating, but it came across as just icky to me. Perhaps it is because one of the guys appears to be young enough to be Mrs. Willow’s son. Polly Walker was so good in Rome it pains me to see her stifled in this role.
Grandma Adama did suddenly become a very interesting character in this episode. I could see her offing Mrs. Graystone and then serving her up to Daniel in some kind of Tauron Casserole. We need to give her and Sam their own HBO show called The Taurono’s and turn them loose.
The dancing robot scene was seriously goofy. All the scenes with the Cylon/Zoe/Avatar and the nerdy tech guy are about as disturbing as Demi Moore kissing Whoopi Goldberg near the end of Ghost. Sure…it is supposed to be Patrick Swayze on the inside, but you are still swapping slobber with the exterior. The way the show is going, I am surprised they did not have Zoe simulate an orgasm as the nerd tinkered around her metal loins.
I thought the same thing about Agent Duram’s boss, Holly. I even went to IMdB to find out if it was the same actor. Apparently not, but I did find an interesting Mad Men connection. There is an actor on Caprica named…get this…Sterling Cooper. I shit you not.
As far as Daniel claiming to create Zoe's avatar goes, I think...yawn...oh just wake me up when the robots start shooting, okay?
Sterling Cooper.....stop toying with my emotions, Chip. Although you and I both know the only thing with less life left in it than Sterling Cooper (or what's left of it) is Caprica's ratings.